A Professional Website? For me?

But I’m just a little guy!

My name is Björn Jörges, I am currently a Postdoc at York University in Toronto. I study the visual perception of motion and self-motion, prediction, and multisensory integration. I also got myself about hip-deep into continuous psychophysics. I sometimes use this site to share random observations blog-style, often related to Open Science, and I appear to be strangely obsessed with power analyses. I don’t know, I just think they’re neat. You can find a list of my publication on my Serious Research on my Google Scholar site. I also intend to keep a page with a brief overview over my current, unpublished projects – empty promises? Maybe!

Screenshots from an experiment we recently conducted on the Aubert-Fleischl effect. Allegedly you underestimate the speed of an object when you track it with your eyes. Turns out its not that simple.

Another thing I think is neat is being gay (GAY), and you can read a bit more about how that relates to research and academia and the like on PRISMA’s website (in Spanish), an association we founded in Spain that deals with all sorts of interactions between queerness and science. On the left: the interaction between PRISMA and ME.

Want even more links? How about my GitHub, my OSF account, and my BlueSky profile.